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Today, I went to see if the kitchen staff needed any help with making the lunches. Normally they do. It takes so long because normally you have like three things to put on it. Well today it was just one. I went in there just kept her company while she just dealt out the samp and beans. Then I just started taking them to all the correct rooms while she kept scooping. I came back in there and the Intermediate 1 teacher was coming back with all of her plates. She started yelling at the cook in Afrikaans, so I had no clue what was happening until I saw the cook scoop two more scoops on each plate. Well, we only had one pot today and we still had the largest class to go, my class.

            I just stood there and watched the cook go from not stressed to stressed out to the max. She looked at me when the teacher left and just sighed. I looked at her and asked if everything was ok. She just told me what just happened. She said that the teacher didn’t think that her portions for her kids were big enough. Now this teacher has the small ones and they waste a lot of food, so the cook knows what she is doing. After she told me that, she said,

“Now, we don’t have enough for your class.”

I looked down in the pot and there was maybe enough for three kids. I looked at her and said,

“You go sit down and take a break. You have done enough scooping for today; I’ll do the rest. “

As soon as I started scooping I just prayed over the pot the whole time because my God is bigger than not enough. He is enough. Honestly, I just kept scooping and scooping and scooping. I reached the goal, sixteen plates, and then took them to my class. Once I saw that every child in my room had food, I stood with a dropped jaw with TWO EXTRA PLATES in my hands. The kids just looked at me and asked if I was ok. I was just speechless. I went back to the kitchen,showed the cook the plates and I said,

“ We had two extra.”

She looked at me like I was insane or something and said,


I said,

“Well It’s just Jesus feeding his children.”

After that, I just had to go to the bathroom and dance and thank God for hearing me and for just simply giving us what we needed. These kids cuss, fight, hate, everything that does not honor the lord, they do. But yet, God still showed his love to them. He still provided what they needed. He did not have to multiply the food like he did, but since they are still his children HE DID. And he will do it over and over and over again because that’s the kind of God that I serve.

Yea Jesus. 

7 responses to “5 loaves and 2 fish…. It. Still. Happens.”

  1. I read your blog all the time, and you are an inspiration. Tisa and I talk about you all the time.

  2. cherub!!! i love this. so so proud of you for believing and trusting the lord to show up on behalf of your kiddos. he’s amazing like that. love you, sweet girl.

  3. We do serve an awesome God! So thankful for all that you are seeing our God do!

  4. I knew you would be wonderful …….just keep showing them Jesus. You are an inspiration to so many. Keep up the good work….you are true love

  5. Simply cannot read your blogs without tears coming to my eyes, laughter coming to my lips, and joy coming into my heart at what a mighty awesome God we serve! Keep on serving Jesus, Cherub Grace! Love you much, sweet girl.

  6. That’s Awesome Gracie! The lord can truly multiply if you just pray and ask, but you do have to be a praying person like yourself. It is truly amazing and a blessing to be able to read your blogs and just hear how God can work in mysterious ways. Jesus is truly an awesome God!!! Keep up the good works of the Lord! Praying for you Gracie!