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Just a Little bit of Jesus is all.

So QUICK Story.
Mrs. Bridget, the intermediate one teacher, was not there leaving only her teacher aid. Well honestly, in her class are all the boys who like to fight, stab, scream, anything else that they can do that’s not NOT ok, they do. So the teacher aid asked me to come and help her all day Thursday and Friday. It was just me and her in the class. Thursday was so crazy. I was in there alone and I had to go get Kacey to come help me because the teacher aid left me. So here me and Kacey are with these wild children. I look over and Kacey is holding back four children because they are trying to fight while I have ones who are as well. It just is hard.
       So I said to the teacher aid,

"Tomorrow we need a man in here."

She said,

"No, your enough."

I thought about it and I honestly in that moment realized that I am enough. I have a spirit inside of me that they see and they want. When I walk into the room the other spirits in that room tremble with fear because the presence of the Lord has just showed up. So I agreed with her because I AM ENOUGH.

            On Friday, this is what happened. I get there and the first thing we did was sing the fun Sunday School Songs. They were having a GREAT MORNING. Then the teacher aid looked at me and asked if I had a story to tell them. I was like YES I actually do. So I said sing one more while I go get something. So they sang while I ran to the office and I came back to Lord I Lift Your Name on High.  I went to get my bible. Not everyday do I get to tell them a story, its not my job, but when I do I will tell them the best of the best                                                        So as they are sitting back down, the teacher aid looks at me and says,

    “ They won’t understand you.”

I sat back and was about to read about Lazarus and I looked down and looked back at her and said’

  “ They will, Trust me.”

She then kept telling me that they wouldn’t but I failed to agree to that because I was about to read about Jesus raising his boy Lazrus from the dead. So, Im pretty sure a language barrier is not hard for God to throw down so that they can hear his word, his MIRIACLES.  I just started reading to them the story and every eye was on me, every mouth was shut, there was no fighting, NOTHING. It was silent. ALL eyes were on me.

When I finished that story, they had so many questions. Number one I realized that he DID drop the language barrier. Number two they wanted to know more. One boy asked if Jesus was that cool and did stuff like that all the time. I said “Yes buddy, He is. “ So I proceeded to answer the questions and ended up doing math and telling how he fed the five thousand with just five loaves and two fish. That’s a math problem that will not be solved. The teacher aid just looked at me with her jaw dropped because they were being so good and that they understood me.

God is SO good. 

One comment

  1. ahhhhh. this is so good on so many levels. so glad that the lord is showing up and meeting your kids in such amazing ways. but, mostly glad he’s continuing to encounter you! i love you so much, sweet girl. you are enough!

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