
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

NOTHING that I have is mine. Not my clothes, food, belongings, bed, family, NOTHING. It’s all a gift from God. He has blessed me with the things I need in this life. Here in Honduras, some people don’t even have those things, if not some things then they have none of them. It takes the lord basically showing you that he can easily take that away for you to realize that.

The last week I was sick. I kept running a fever everyday, my whole body ached, bad stomach pains, anything you didn’t want to deal with health wise was attacking me. So Monday morning I get up and start getting ready for school and my tent broke for a third time and now was flat as a pancake. So I left it like it was and just thought I would deal with it when I got home. So when I came home from school, I just wanted to just go lay down on my bed because I didn’t feel well at all.  Forgetting that my tent was broke, I walked into where my bed was and my whole bed was infested in these HUGE RED ANTS. They were everywhere, my clothes, shoes, bag, pillow, sleeping pad and bag, I mean EVERYWHERE; MILLIONS. They had eggs all in their mouth. It literally was the nastiest thing I have ever laid eyes on because there was just so many. I just stood and looked at them while my team freaked out and they grabbed the raid and started spraying. I’m allergic to that stuff so not only am I sick, I now have lost my bed because I would have an allergic reaction if I laid down and I do not need that to add on to my sickness. Riely and me had to go through everything of mine and pick all the ants off and kill them.

            On top of that, my ipod was broken and literally that is all I wanted to do was to listen to my music after all of that. It really was not a great day. So finally I got to go and lay down in my hammock inside to only realize that I was getting sicker. The following morning I woke up and they took me to the hospital to see that doctor. I hate going to the doctor, it is not my cup of tea. When we finally got to see him, he told me I had to have test done. What that means is that I had to pee and poop in a cup, and also get my blood drown. So after all that, we found out I had two parasites and a bad chest infection. That is exactly how I wanted to spend my last week here was to be sick, not at all.
I lost my :
Food (cause I couldn’t eat with the animals inside me)
But I still had more than enough. I got to sleep on a broken kot that would have fallen through at any moment. I got to go and receive medicine that made me better and killed the parasites inside of me. I got to pick off the ants and wash them. All my other belongings were picked free from ants as well. My Ipod is happily fixed and is working at 100% again, and finally I can eat again because I got better and am blessed enough to even have food.  Yea it was not fun for all of that happening at once but that’s what it took for me to actually see that I can have nothing but still have everything. God doesn’t let those things happen because we have done something wrong. He uses those things to actually show us that we DO have all we need. He is more than enough. That is who he has been to me for the past few weeks, MORE THAN ENOUGH. When I think I ran out of strength, He fills it up MORE than he did before. When I think I have no more love, peace, hope, compassion, grace to give to others, he reminds me that he is MORE THAN ENOUGH and will freely give me more and more of all of those things.

            As I sit here and pack up in Honduras, getting ready to head to Thailand, I cannot help but praise God for the things he has done and used us for. We are drained, worn out, tired, BUT He is faithful and he will fill us back up with more of him than when we came here; even arms to run to because we are broken hearted.  He is more than enough to help us continue the work that he has called us to do.  SO I thank the Lord for everything that he has given me and shown me here in Honduras. Yes, it is painful to say goodbye to these boys and this ministry but you always have to trust in the one who brought you there in the first place. Even though we are continuing on, he still will continue here as well as with us. That’s the kind of God I serve. He is MORE THAN ENOUGH.