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Thoughts & Inspiration

     Honduras, The Country where the showers are cold, the food is the same, where anything that’s NOT a toy becomes a toy. A place where your backyard is the most gorgeous view in all the land. Somewhere where you wake and not stop working till all the work is done. Yea, this place is crazy, but I have fallen in love with it. It’s also a place where the time doesn’t matter at all. My kind of place.

   This week I hace been on property and have been basically doing the dirty work. I have been the cook, washing the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, but I find JOY in all of it. We also have been digging up massive rocks out of the ground so that we can have a beautiful garden. I have 8 nasty blisters on my hands but yet I still find joy in that.  In 1 Corinthians 15:58 it says,
“My dear brothers, STAND FIRM. Let Nothing move you. Always Give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you KNOW that your labor in the Lord is NOT in vain!”

That is why I find joy in the dirty work. NO matter what type of work you are doing, as longs as you give your ALL for Him in everything, KNOW for a fact that it is NOT  in vain.

            I also herded cows off our property this week. Laura, one of my teammates, was washing her clothes and she turned around and these HUGE cows were licking her clothes. Talking about letting my southern girl inside of me come out, I chased them cows all over the place until they were off our turf and into the road. Never a dull moment I tell you. Also, last week at Wal-Mart we got free baby chickens and so that night we took them home and put them with the bunnies that we already had. Well, we wake up the next morning to find out the bunnies ate all our chicken’s legs off. I guess since their feet were orange they thought that the chicken’s legs were carrots. Someone better teach them what’s a carrot and what isn’t.  Where is Bugs Bunny when you need him.

            Anyways, this week my team and I will be going to a village for a week.  Pray for us as we enter a place of poverty.  We will be teaching in a school, leading a church service, playing soccer with some of the soccer teams/kids there, and whatever else the Lord has planned. ANYTHING can change. It’s not our plans but HIS. When you are working for the Lord, you always have to be flexible. But hey, Its all to bring Glory to HIS name. 

One response to “Life as it is these days…”

  1. Be careful, don’t hurt the “Chick-fila-Cows” They were probably telling everyone to “Eat More Chicken”
    Sorry, just could not help myself!!!

    Glad to see you are adapting and enjoying.

    We send our Love and Prayers.
