
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So All week I have been singing and leading worship.  But It wasn’t until like Wednesday that I started singing it in Spanish. It was so awesome to see the Lord give me the ability to sing in Spanish. I was so excited. Saturday night we were going back to the church up on the mountain to have an anniversary service for them. They asked me to do two songs and so I did them with my boys Rolando and Denys. We had our own band. I was in musical heaven all week with them.
So Saturday comes around and the Lord reminded me of the color pink and of the blind. So I went all day seeing the color pink and looking for the blind, or maybe the color pink was BLINDING me, I was clueless. I knew God was going to use me that day so I walked all day in expectation for him to show up in a moments notice.
Finally we get packed up and ready to head to the church for the service. I get there to see that the church was decked out with pink. .
So while waiting for the service to start, I am paying for the Lord to show me what I am suppose to do there in that moment. I knew He had brought me to that moment for someone and for HIS glory to be shown. I look to the back and there was this woman in all pink with her right eye messed up and I was like” Lord is that her?” It wasn’t unfortunately.  So a few minutes later I look over again and there was another woman in pink who had crossed eyes and I again asked if that was her, but it wasn’t either. So I began to get discouraged and was like “Ok Lord, I need YOU to just bring this person in my path and show ME who it is because you have me where I need to be. So bring THEM to ME. “ Right then this man walked down the isle holding this other mans arm. I looked at one of our Honduran girls and asked what was wrong with him. She said “He can’t see. “
I sat back in my chair and the Lord right then spoke to me and said, “ Trust me. I have prepared you for a moment such as this. I have brought you to this place so that people can see my love displayed through you. So DO NOT WALK OUT OF HERE IGNORING ME. IM HERE WITH YOU.” Those words sat on my heart the whole service. When I got up there to sing, it just dawned on me that one of the songs that I was singing was Open the Eyes of my Heart, kind of ironic.  So I sat down and just was praying over the place and for the blind man. I then said, “Lord if you want me to heal this man, you SHOW me that that’s what I’m here for. “  Then this Honduran man out of NO WHERE walked down the isle with a Tuscaloosa News shirt on, a shirt from my hometown, which the business is like not even 5 minutes away from my house. So basically the Lord was like trust me with this one.
I knew what had to be done but I waited till it was the right time. When it was over, everyone left but Him. He was still sitting in his chair. So I walked up to him and told him what was about to happen and told him 5 girls were about to pray for him. He then stood to his feet in reverence of talking to God.  The spirit basically took over. I laid my hand on his chest and let the spirit pray through me. When I said amen, I looked at him and he opened his eyes and looked around and had the biggest smile on his face and just kept looking. You didn’t even have to ask him if he could se because just that smile told you.
The Lord Healed that man that day so that HE can be a witness to everyone he comes in contact with. God needed to show HIS LOVE to him because he needs his story to bring him glory and honor. In moments like that you CANNOT shut the power of God out of your heart or mind because he need to use YOU so that others can come to know him and love him as well.  Praise the Lord.